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Last Friday, 22 April, LIS hosted its first annual International Day!
The rain did not dampen the celebration ...
Last Saturday (June 11th), Ljubljana International School hosted an exciting Open House event at our new campus ...
Last Friday evening, June 17th, 2022, Ljubljana International School held its Graduation ceremony in a stylish ...
We are growing frogs!
We are excited to share with you the latest project that is happening in our preschool ...
Makerspace remains strong as an After School Activity (ASA) at the Rakovniska 5 campus. Our latest projects ...
As a very active person myself, I wanted to be part of an after-school club involving sports. With the help of PE ...
During the PE lessons at our R5 campus location, students participated in team-building games which are an ...
One of the last topics we covered was My Day. At the end of this topic, the children had their personal project: ...
We are excited to share with you the latest news from our art classes! Currently, our young artists are exploring ...
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